We covered a lot of ground around the accelerated change in retail and most of the questions below were covered, if you have a burning desire to find out anything we missed then please drop me an email and I would be happy to help find out the answer for you.
Joined By: – John Ashcroft from the Saturday Economist
A specialist in Economics, Strategy, Financial Markets, Creator of The Saturday Economist, NED, Consultant, Advisor, Chair …
Led over 50 corporate finance transactions, worked with First Boston, Bain & Co, Samuel Montagu, Goldman Sachs and many more.
Do you think consumer purchasing behaviour will return to what it was, once we come out on the other side?
What future opportunities do you see within retail?
Eddie McAtominey
Eddie is a highly experienced Creative Director with over 25 years of experience
across retail and commercial multi-channel brand and Identity development.
Nervousness in social contact / the shape of the recovery
How will people return?
Will retail footfall shrink – and for how long.
Melissa Gonzalez
Melissa Gonzalez is the founder of The Lionesque Group, an award winning firm of experiential retail strategists and pop-up architects™
She is also a Principal and Shareholder in global architecture firm MG2, and author of The Pop-Up Paradigm: Building Human Connections in a Digital Age.
The New Consumer Behaviours That Will Reshape The Physical Store
What Technologies do you see being accelerated in physical stores?
Personalised shopping experiences in store and also in omnichannel.
What excites you most about the future of retail?
We attempted to cover the points above, most were covered, but if there is anything you would like to learn about please let me know and I could potentially find out from one of the experts for you.